Having a british Sunday is one of the most enjoyable things you can have. At morning we went to the centre to meet our classmates to do something together, we decided to have an hour for shopping and then we took the touristic bus which showed us some of the most beautiful buldings of Oxford, it took an hour to hanging out in Oxford city because there is no traffic anywhere. I was upstairs the bus but cold was to critical, and wind often beat us in the face. We were freezed! When we got off the bus we went to have a meal because we were hungry and dinner is served at 7.30 in our houses, they only have two meal hours: 9 am and 7.30 pm!
We went to Westgate, a mall where you can find many sales, and there is a store that sells everything in a specific price, it's called Primax.
We walked all around the city centre and found many stores that sell souvenirs, but they all are too expensive.
When we decided to go back to home, my roome mate and I got lost and couldn't find the bus stop, and when we found it the bus left us, but it wasn't our fault, the bus driver didn't saw that we were on the stop, so we had to wait 19 minutes more.
Dinner our in UK is too important, that's the reason why they ask us if we will take the meal with them, it's the oportunity to know them better and speak with them.
It's 9.15 pm and it's still a lightly day, and it's almost time to going sleep. Tomorrow will be a hollyday here, BANKING DAY, but only Tec group will go to school: "sabes que eres Tec si hasta en verano internacional, los días festivos del país anfitrión tú, como alumno Tec, vas a clases y los demás no"
Write soon!
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